The high-precision thermometer from 1-CUBE is designed for the most accurate temperature measurements with a measuring uncertainty of 0.002 °C. Thermometer allows recording of temperatures. Values are stored to a non volatile electronic memory. Data transfer to PC for further analysis is performed via USB.
Our company would like to invite you to attend our stand No.136 in hall A3 at World Fair DRINKTEC 2013 which is being held in Munich Messe from 16 to 20 September this year. We are looking forward to seeing you in Munich.
Due date: 17/09/12
Our company would like to invite you to attend our stand No.215 in hall 4 at World Fair Brau Beviale 2012 which is being held in Nurnberg Messe from 13 to 15 November this year. We are looking forward toseeing you in Nurnberg.
Due date: 15/05/12
Due date: 13/03/12
Due date: 3/05/11
The oxygen meter OXI accurately determines dissolved oxygen in beverages. The measurement is unaffected by other dissolved gases which makes it indispensable for monitoring of the oxygen content.
Portable oxygen meter OXI consists of:
Technical description:
1. Measurement of oxygen at line:
Portable oxygen meter OXI is the ideal partner when utilized at line. Sample volume for one measurement is 100 ml.
2. Measurement of oxygen in the laboratory:
In the lab the performance of oxygen meter OXI is always excellent. For measurements out of bottles or cans Oxygen meter OXI is operated with the convenient and safe Sampler Device type ICAS and nitrogen distribution.
Apparatus Assembly: portable oxygen meter OXI, sampler-type ICAS and nitrogen distribution accurately determines oxygen content in:
a) Headspace- gaseous oxygen in the headspace
b) Oxygen content dissolved in beer
Technical Specifications:
Due date: 2/02/11
Due date: 26/11/10
Refrigerated/Heating Circulator for internal and external temperature applications